Ch. Aplaus Coco Lotte
DOB: 5.4.2013
Coco Princess C9H13NO3 x Piszkei Dicsö
Reg. number: ČLP/MOK/4514/16
Czech Champion
Polish Champion candidate
BOS, CAC, CWC, Res. CAC, Excellent
Basic hunting field test - I.prize, 3rd place
Autumn field and water test - II.prize, 279points and I.prize 271p
Special water test - I.prize, 93points, 3rd place
L/L - Free of longhair gene
Aplaus is really nice and clever male. He has lovely head and nice front. He is a copy of his mother ICH. Coco Princess C9H13NO3.
Both his grandads are International working champions. Father is World Winner and mother is International champion of beauty.
If you are interested, you can contact me
Owner: Lukáš Kopejtko, Markéta Kopejtková, Praha
4.11.2016 Magyar Tim kennel / Poland - Dame: Kenya Dolina Mirage, 8 males + 3 females
21.2.2017 Danitty kennel / CZE - Dame: Cedra Danitty, 2 males + 6 females